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On location with Manumesure.

Experience an "industrial site intervention" and learn about the environmental technician's profession.


MANUMESURE works on site to check atmospheric emissions with "COFRAC Essais" accreditation.

Gas measurement: O2, CO2, CO, NOx, COV, CH4, etc.

Dust measurement, PM10, PM 2.5, etc.

Measurement of metals, HF, HCl, SOx, NH3, N2O, etc.

Measurement of PCDDs &PCDFs, PAHs, etc.


MANUMESURE also offers "QAL2 and AST" verification of measurement lines, with "COFRAC Essais" accreditation.


MANUMESURE  measures atmospheric deposition around sites.

Dust, dioxins, VOCs, benzene or any other molecule on request.