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Thermocouples for AMS 2750E

AMS2750 thermocouple

The Aerospace Material Specifications Rev. E (AMS 2750E) define a certain number of rules concerning the heat treatments applied to metals in the aerospace sector. As a pyrometric measurement specialist, Pyrocontrole offers a complete range of thermocouples compliant with this standard.
Discover the various applications of these sensors installed in industrial furnaces.

Providing reliable, accurate measurements, this range of thermocouples fulfils the four control functions required by the AMS 2750E standard for thermal treatment furnaces in classes 1 to 6.


AMS 2750E thermocouple applications

AMS 2750E thermocouples can be used for four applications

·  Sensors for ensuring furnace temperature uniformity (TUS - Temperature Uniformity Survey),

 · Sensors for testing the accuracy of the readings (SAT -System Accuracy Test)

 · Sensors for process control and recording

 · Sensors for monitoring the temperatures of the loads (sensors installed on the parts)

 Customers must perform the SAT/TUS tests with temperature sensors which operate independently from the furnace instrumentation.


Calibration service

Equipped with its own COFRAC-accredited metrology laboratory, Pyrocontrole can supply COFRAC calibration certificates and reports.
Find out more about our calibration services. 


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